Friday, March 13, 2015

This Week in EID - Episode 45

We are doing something new on EID starting this week.  The Monday post on the Fast Company 50 Most Innovative Companies is going to be the first in a series.  I don’t want to give away too much, but this coming Monday will also be related to that issue.  So will a few more future Mondays, the exact number to be determined. 

In sort of the same vein, Wednesday’s post on dynamic workplace design will be followed up next week with another post on workplace design.  This may be a short series because I haven’t seen a lot of new research in this area.  If you have seen anything interesting, please let me know.  Or if you have expertise of your own to share, let me know and we can invite you to submit a guest post.

We don’t want to do this with every day of the week, because we want to leave space for some fun and irreverent ideas too.  This is also a great space to invite guest posts.  Personally, I love the irreverent and off the wall topics best.  And they are even better when they come from someone else because then they are a surprise to me too.  So think of something that might be engaging to the EID readership and let me know.  The dog story on Thursday was my own, spotted walking down the street on the way to work.  You might remember my mushroom story that occurred in much the same way.  Those are the kinds of stories we are looking for.

Finally, there was Tuesday’s “eat your own cooking” post.  This is a common refrain for me.  I see this kind of behavior everywhere.  Content marketing vendors who don’t do a good job with their own content marketing.  Customer service reps who seem to know nothing about their customer.  And on it goes.

Your Turn

So here is your chance to become an official guest author (is that an oxymoron?).  Please share. 

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